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The menu includes tofu



Well dear Squamtonians old and new, where are we now?

Concerning our new council, this phrase came to me today while hiking the Four Lakes trail: 'Two old, two new, and two bits of Tofu'.

It seems that we have taken a half-step back to where we were prior to the last election three years ago. This could mean what? Maybe everything will grind to a halt, maybe start to slowly go backwards, maybe keep moving forwards, but at a crawl? It's certainly too early to tell at this point.

I'm OK if the pace slows a little to enable the foundation to firm up. With changes to some of our archaic bylaws, new developments, and developers would have a mandate to bring more progressive solutions to our current growth spurt.

Could it (the election result) have been worse? Oh yes! If the candidate waving his (funky) signs on the corner (isn't that against the election rules?), would have received a few more votes, our real estate values might have crashed under the deluge of new listings as "let's get outta here" became a reality.

The voter turnout was abysmal. I suspect that the oldies turned out in droves to try and turn back the page, but the newbies became enamoured with the glorious weather on Saturday, and true to form, believing that all was well after the paradigm shift at the last election, went hiking, biking, climbing etc. and then, fully sated, went home tired and didn't make it to the voting booth.

So there we are. Our future could be determined by a substance that vegetarians love that takes on the flavour of the day!

Russell Couchman

Garibaldi Highlands

Yellow sheet distributor should have known better


The future of our town does not lie in the ability of our local government to govern the residents who live here. Rather, it lies in the ability of residents to govern themselves - through fairness, compassion, clarity and restraint.

These attributes were sadly lacking when it was revealed that a long-term resident, who should have known better, was responsible for the distribution of the anonymous yellow paper found in post boxes last Thursday, which maligned both the work of this town over the past three years, as well as the many good people who undertook it.

As a local candidate, all I asked for was an opportunity to debate these issues. Unfortunately, I was denied this debate, and so was Squamish.

David Fenn


Time to come clean


Congratulations Mr. Sutherland. A narrow empty victory it was. Now you have a chance to come clean and answer some of the outstanding questions that surfaced during the election. To be fair, I will only ask one at a time to give you the time to provide accurate and timely answers.

Let's start with the one that has drawn so much attention over the last several months: the cost of the Adventure Centre.

Now, being a taxpayer in this town, and from what I understand, a "shareholder" in this corporation, I and many of the shareholders would like to see the financial statements on this wonderful adventure. I am sure they are available and up to date. To take on a project of this size without proper and up to date detailed accounting on costs would be irresponsible. We would also like to see the financial projections on operating, maintaining and of course the income projections.

Thank you in advance.

Rick King


Former councillors thanked


To Sonja Lebans for social consciousness and passionate contributions to the arts; to Dave Fenn for environmental stewardship and intellectual contribution to governance; to Jeff Dawson for economic acumen and entrepreneurial contribution to public affairs: thank you each for your lasting contribution to Squamish.

Brent Leigh


Editor's judgment of candidate unfair


Re: "Patterson not mayor material," Editor's Notebook, Nov. 18:

Who made you God?

Through time we have had many people who were eccentric, mentally or physically challenged and even those who have been to their lowest ebb and have become pillars of their community statesmen, and even world leaders in their field.

Who are you to point the finger of disapproval in such fashion to a man who has the integrity to put himself forward for the benefit of his community? I hope you are not judged too harshly on Judgment Day or when you choose to step forward in some field or political arena.

We all deserve a fair chance. Look at yourself before you judge others.

John Lowe


Good poppy year


Diamond Head Branch 277, Royal Canadian Legion would like to express our sincere gratitude to the good folks and many businesses of 麻豆社国产for their truly generous support of our Poppy Campaign.

It was a good year and we will be able to continue supporting our veterans and giving help to our nursing homes, especially Hilltop!

Sandi Patterson

Poppy Chairperson, Royal Canadian Legion Diamond head Br.. #277


Fire story clarified


This letter is a response to an article about a fire on Nov. 15. There was a lot of information left and which exemplifies the humanity when it comes to lighting a fire.

A passerby on Government Road saw the blaze, and helped our neighbour Matteo to wake us up. We have two young children, and every day I look at them I thank God and all of the people who contributed to our well-being on that evening.

As we were being helped out of our home, another neighbour, Ingrid, called 911. We were woken out of a deep sleep, and felt fogged by the events which were occurring.

The support from neighbours, and the peacekeeper who arrived on scene was comforting, especially with the knot in my stomach as I wondered if my home would catch fire, creating a bigger threat to all homes in this park.

When the fire department arrived, they were efficient in containing the fire. When I walk out my door every day, I shudder at how close we came to losing our home. And I feel blessed because we are here.

Watching the firefighters battle the blaze really made me realize how much the department risks when they respond. I am grateful for the professionalism of the department. Knowing that the volunteers had their lives to return to after limited sleep makes me appreciate the time that was given.

They returned home to their jobs and their families on lack of sleep. Due to their given time, I still have my home to return to today.

The fear to go to sleep that night after we were allowed to come back home, engulfed me. The knowledge that an RCMP officer sat in a parked car just outside our door, comforted me enough that I could sleep a little.

And so, after having experienced that evening, thank you to all who cared about the home to the north. Thanks to the fire department and volunteers who allowed for us to be alive to return to our home. Because of you I didn't have to face my four-year-old to tell him that a fire destroyed his home.

Instead I could tell him that fireman Dave and the rest of the fire department came to save our home, and everything else can be replaced.

Thank you to our neighbours, and the stranger on Government Road that night, we don't know your name.

Although the humanity that night is burned in my memory, what occurred in three hours is old news. Now we can deal with what's next.

Chad and Lisa Peters, Braden and Brenna


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