The distance from Pender Harbour to Lund is approximately 75 km - but you don't have to do it all at once.
The Brennan Park Recreation Centre is having its fourth annual virtual swim or exercise event - which means participants aren't literally going from Pender Harbour to Lund.
"We're travelling that distance in 15 weeks," said Shirley Baxter, a lifeguard instructor at Brennan Park. The virtual swim/exercise goes until May 9.
Participants are doing variety activities, and each different activity is worth a kilometre of distance. For example 40 lengths, 30 minutes of water running, 30 minutes of high intensity aerobic or 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity is worth a kilometre of distance each. Participants log their workouts at the front desk at Brennan Park, and the kilometres are posted every Monday. Those over the age of 55 get two kilometres for activities. "What we're trying to do is promote cardiovascular activity," Baxter said. "Everything has a value."
Using a distance marker give a visual aid for people to judge their activities by.
"They can actually see where that goal is," Baxter said.
It's good to feel the benefit of exercise but also to actually see how far you are in a goal, she said.
Hundreds of virtual kilometres have been covered in the four-year event. The first year people travelled 50 kilometres up the 麻豆社国产River to the Howe Sound. The next year the route was from the mouth of the 麻豆社国产River to Gibsons, and the year after that it was from Gibsons to Pender Harbour.
The first year there were 180 participants, but this year only 40 people are making the trek and/or swim. "It's growing in interest, but not in attendance," Baxter said.
There seven check points along the way to make sure people are keeping up, and prizes can be won.