The seasoned athletes taking part in Test of Metal aren't the only ones grabbing the spotlight over race weekend. On Friday (June 13) everyday cyclists get to showcase their love of pedaling, pasta and poker during Pre Test events."This is the first year we've done this," said organizer Sheila Cassels, adding the event is meant to help community members feel more involved in the world-class event.It all begins with leaving the car at home. Community members are encouraged to cycle to school, work or the store then pedal downtown by 5:30 p.m. to the Cleveland Avenue and Winnipeg Street parking lot.Here, people can sign up for events or just find a prized spot to watch Bike Limbo, the Pump Track, and a number of other Test shenanigans."It's just all ages. Every event is free," said Cassels.There will be a wavy Pump Track on hand brought by Endless Biking of the North Shore. The curvy loop offers a fun way for riders to learn new skills. Relay Bike Races begin at 6 p.m. with teams of four. Participants will have to race on foot to get the best bike, and then continue to ride the bike back and forth on Cleveland Avenue much to the entertainment of spectators. And for those who have ever dreamt of combining two great hobbies, Bike Poker is available to get people biking as they try their luck at a full house or flush. Participants roll to various businesses downtown to collect a card and meet up to see whose hand is the best. The game begins at 7 p.m.Cyclists with less than glamourous bikes can finally ride them with pride during the Coolest Bike Contest. Participants parade down Cleveland Avenue while judges rate their oddball bikes.Pasta lovers can dive into smorgasbord of carbs at the Howe Sound Brew Pub where a high-calorie feast will be laid out for riders and hungry folk for $15. Dinner is available from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. By mixing athletes with visitors and the rest of the community, Cassels said she hopes to stir up more event spirit with even more spectators turning out for Saturday's race."Hopefully, they'll just kind of embrace the festival and know that it's got lots of things to watch," she said.There's no reason to leave the Brew Pub after dinner. Headlining the Pre Test festivities are the double guitar and vocals of high-energy punk, soul, ska outfit Arthur Funkarelli.Funkarelli's stage presence prior to Squamish's epic mountain bike race is fitting considering the 10-year indie veterans are mainstays on various mountain bike videos like the Kranked series."I'd say in terms of exposure beyond the live format the mountain bike game has been the best road for us," said frontman Al "Bad Alice French" Leclerc."I think the Test of Metal totally coincides with the type of band we are because we're on our tenth anniversary this year so we're all about longevity and endurance as well."It will be Funkarelli's first appearance in Squamish, although Brew Pub events manager Heidi Nielsen said she's been looking forward to getting them on stage for some time."They're a really good band, really tight and really funky, so when the Test of Metal got a hold of me we were looking for a really good funk band and so they were the number one choice on my list," she said.Funkarelli's influences range wildly from the funky metal of Faith No More to the funky soul of Curtis Mayfield and the old school funk stylings of Fishbone. If you didn't notice, the key word here is funk, and Leclerc ensures the diverse Test of Metal crowd will be strapping on its dancing shoes."We can bring the heavy and we're a dance floor band - we know how to funk it up," he said."But this event is not about Arthur Funkarelli. This event is about Squamish, it's about the Test of Metal and this show is about the party itself. We need to be the band that when the crowd is provided we can do the job from there."Test of Metal race director Cliff Miller said he is excited about the addition of Pre Test events."I think it's fantastic that Sheila stepped up to the plate," he said. "It's a great addition to the event and a great addition for the community."For more information check out Festival Events at