Editor's note: This is the second in a three-week series of training diaries for the media challenge competitors in the Linda Carney Rotary Cares Test of Metal Celebrity Challenge. Bianca Peters of Shaw Cable 10, Rebecca Hall from Mountain FM and Lynn Pasko of The Chief are racing in the Celebrity Challenge Saturday, June 18 to raise funds for the Linda Carney Rotary Cares Fund.
Bianca Peters - Team Shaw
The weather has been entirely uncooperative in my efforts to train. It's been an enormous challenge remaining dry and warm one day and trying to stay cool and hydrated the next. Now it's wet again.
Note to self: overcast dry days are the best ones to ride. Lesson learned: Mother Nature is in chargeThankfully Daniel J. Arnold, our youth host for My 麻豆社国产Magazine, has graciously accepted a place on Team Shaw. With his boyish enthusiasm and goal-oriented spirit, I am confident he will be our ticket to glory.
All in all what's impressed me most this week is all the support I'm receiving. From pledges and unsolicited bike riding advice, its times like these when living in 麻豆社国产reaps its benefits.
It's also been a heartwarming privilege to meet people who have directly benefited from the proceeds of the Linda Carney Rotary Cares foundation. Though I never met her, I understand Linda Carney was a great woman and this charity is a wonderful legacy to her spirit. I am incredibly proud to be taking part in this event.
Warm and fuzzy feelings aside for a moment- the bottom line is Daniel J. and I are pumped to kick some butt. I have my eye on Rebecca Hall of Mountain FM and Lynn Pasko of the Chief while Dan has his eye on Ian Sutherland, mayor of Squamish. And believe me, that's not a threat, it's a promise.
To pledge me and the lovely Daniel for this worthwhile cause please drop by the Shaw studio at 1103 Magee St. Monday to Friday or email us at [email protected]. Dan and I thank you for your support.
Rebecca Hall - Team Mountain FM
Week Two - I moved to 麻豆社国产three years ago to enjoy the less busy pace of a smaller community and to also enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. I love that 麻豆社国产is the Recreation Capital of Canada offering so many cool adventures. I have to admit I'm not an extreme sport enthusiast but I do like to try new things at a slower pace.
I'm definitely not hardcore in any way and that goes for mountain biking too. I've dabbled a bit on the easiest trails but am not keen on the Endos. Okay, so you won't be surprised to know I still haven't actually gotten those two wheels out of the garage yet. I've got a few excuses, like it's been too hot, too rainy, I was away over the weekend and I was sick too, but now with only two weeks until the big trek up the big hill, I really have to get out there. First things first: I have to get air in my tires and start collecting pledges.
I will say that I did start my physical training last week with some long walks - I figure it's better to take baby steps rather than overexert myself (but the truth is I'm just procrastinating, but you probably figured that out). So this week, if the weather holds out, if I'm feeling okay and if I actually get air in my tires I AM going to go on my first bike ride. Pretty pathetic, huh?
Lynn Pasko - Team Chief
Well, here it is Week two of training, and boy, am I ready! I understand Bianca has enlisted some "help" to get her up the hill! What's the matter Bianca, can't make it up on your own speed? I am so psyched, I am going to fly right past you! I have the power of myself and the powerful force of the Chief! Of course, I also have the love and support of my two awesome daughters, Danielle and Ashley, and my honey, Bill, who are all rooting me on! How about you Rebecca, you going on your own speed or getting some help?
I have been working out three times a week and daily on my mental readiness, I am no longer afraid of that blessed hill! I will attack it with a vengeance! (Look out Bianca!} My bike is ready for action, and I should have been up that hill at least once by the time you read this.
I am going hard with the pledges too! Thanks to all of those wonderful people who have pledged me already! I had to get a second pledge sheet after only one hour! If there is anyone out there who would like to sponsor me in this Battle of the Media Women, to raise funds for the Linda Carney Rotary Cares Fund, you can drop by The Chief office, call me 604-815-3040 or email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to add you to my list.