If you blinked you might have missed the black and pink tutu whip down the trail, but the good new is this year's Rock Star invitational downhill race was caught on video, so the experience can be re-lived over and over.
With a camera suspended on cables above the trail and camera crew scattered throughout the Cougar Ridge, My Trail and 31 Seconds course, the footage is sure to be amazing.
"[The filming] was unbelievable," said race director Dave Gillie.
It wasn't all technically perfect however.
The generator Gillie and a few volunteers lugged to the top of the trail malfunctioned and wouldn't start, rendering the Saturday (June 19) event and its announcer Armand Hurford without a P.A. system. But that didn't stop the enthusiasm.
"I think Armand still got the crowd going - he was still entertaining," said Gillie.
With riders and volunteers trying to get the generator working at top the trail, the spectator friendly downhill race started about half an hour late.
But the crowd of nearly100 eager onlookers didn't seem to mind. After some encouragement from Hurford, spectators let out a series of roars, hoots and howls to let the riders know they were ready for racers to barrel down the trail.
"It's just such a fun race and hearing the crowd roar and scream at the beginning - everyone just gets goose bumps and that's just crazy," said Gillie.
"It's very spectator oriented and that's what I really like about it."
Spectators quieted down enough only to hear the names of the very first rider and the very last - the identity of the 24 riders in between were drowned out by hollering, clapping and of course, cowbells and horns.
Bryan Raiser kicked off the full downhill race in style sporting body paint resembling a black tuxedo.
A flurry of Squamish's most entertaining downhill racers followed, including Miranda Miller, Mary-Ann Taylor, Lauren Rosser and Aoibhe Glynn as well as Eric Armour, Roland Benesocky, Chris Hamilton, Barry Wood, Pete Schenk, Scott Halvorson, Trevor Halvorson, Shane Aseltine, Kyle Cornell, LJ Wilson, Craig Bullen, Ryan Glinz, Mark Bunyan, Carl Taylor, Shaums March, Mike Fieldhouse, Barry Mclane, Phil Cairns, Tim Fearing and Clinton Gould before Gillie himself, wrapped up the annual event.
"It was absolutely fabulous," Gillie said of his own 3:12.30 zip down the course.
"I was so exhausted from trying to run the whole event that by that point, it was such a relief to just run downhill."
Despite rain a few days prior to the event, the trail was in excellent condition according to Bullen who won the invitational last year.
"The course was in great condition, really grippy. Probably almost as good as could be expected," said Bullen,
Although Bullen didn't earn a first place finish at the 2010 Rock Star - two-time Masters World Champ March did with a time of 2:28.31 - he said he had a good, clean run.
"Although, I'm pretty sure I went a little bit slower than I did last year, just not quite on it I guess."
Bullen had the second best time of the event finishing at the 2:36.41 mark. Rosser the, under 17 Canadian champion earned the best time for the women at 3:12.39.
Video footage of the 2010 Rock Star invitational should be available shortly at www.seatoskycam.com.